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  1. TQ very much

    March 29, 2010

    Just wanna bid a great big THANK YOU to:

    Thank you

    • My parents, grandparents, sisters, uncles, aunties, no blood relation cousin, cousins with blood relation

    • My schoolmates, who always gave me a big good laugh

    • Brothers and sisters in Christ, who always supported me and love me no matter how I am

    • Tuition teachers for taking this life time challenge ( believe me, tutoring me is a challenge indeed)

    • Those who hates/dislikes me for giving me a chance to improve myself and to understand more about me


  2. No more

    March 23, 2010

    I have to tell myself

    that is only an illusion!!!

    Why do I have so many of these?!


    or maybe I'm born to be the Master Of Illusions.
    *hope you watch that show =)*

    Just stop that okay?
    no more illusions.

    GET OVER WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    she's the one

    btw God bless everyone :)

  3. To You

    March 19, 2010

    You know you are good enough.
    You tried your best,

    for everything.

    If he couldn't accept the best of you,
    its his problem then.

    If he couldn't see the weakness in her and thinks that she's always that perfect,
    its his problem then.

    You tried your best
    to do what you have to do.

    Just to let you know,
    no matter what your decision is...

    I'll support you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Because you are my dear friend.


  4. Earth Hour yea right

    March 11, 2010

    Wow guess what the annually held Earth Hour is finally here again!!!
    But it's sure a lil too early this year,


    No larh, its not here yet actually


    The thing is there's no electricity supply in my condo!!!!!

    super hot + fun + food + romantic with candles,

    but ...

    Where's my date in tux?!?

  5. The One

    March 4, 2010

    I have this sudden feeling,

    that I wanna thank someone special for everything.
    Someone really, really, special.

    He gave me

    a wonderful

    and surrounded me with great


    Someone to guide and inspires me

    He granted me

    a pair of hand

    that can draw, write, sketch, etc etc.

    Now I'm gonna use it to raise your name.

    a pair of eyes

    to see things;
    to see You, and Your wonderful creations.

    a pair of legs

    that able to dance, skip, jump.
    And walk on Your journey bravely as You are my lamp to my feet & light to my path.


    So that I could laugh talk and smile as much as I want.
    Not to forget to praise You and spread Your love with it.

    and finally
    a heart

    I can be able to feel. trust. hope. believe.
    To love. and be loved.

    Especially Your love.

    Thank you
    My Father, which art in heaven.

    My Lord, my Savior.

    The One who created the world, and us.
    The One who has the power above everything.
    The One who loves every single one of us, including those who left Him.

    He is all in all.

    trust me,

    Jesuslovesyoutoo :)

  6. This is my favourite photo so far,
    which it will reminds me the greatest time we had.

    Thank Lord for granting me this family...
    you guys are the best!!!!!!

    (though some of us weren't in it)

    Only one question I had been wondering....

    How did Jin Feng stand so high up?!?

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