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  1. Additional to the previous post,
    as Charlene's support towards Argentina reminds me of one who eventually loathes Germany team and called them "broke down tank" (!n!)

    Before the match of Germany vs England, this *particular person* told me that this *particular person* will sincerely call and congratulates me once German lose. (serious?!)

    I thank you for your support and I'm utterly sorry for England's lost...
    for 3 FAT GOALS

    hehehehehe... (><)v

  2. Deutschland Soccer Fever

    June 27, 2010

    FIFA World Cup 2010...

    GO GERMANY!!!!
    Yes my absolute favourite, Germany team. GAMBATEH!!

    They are doing so far so good lah. Just finished watching Germany vs England match. Guess what? Poor lions, 4 to 1!!!! Woohoo!!!!!

    Well they are going to face Argentina next match. Hmm feel like Argentina has the better chance. Their morale and spirit is... sky high


    Deutschland du bist die beste!

  3. Sticks & Stones?

    June 25, 2010

    Hmm similar to someone,
    I got through something this week too. And yeah, it WAS hard.

    There's just people who don't appreciate any single thing that occurs in their lives.
    Not their goals, experiences, love, not even friends.
    They hurt people who truly love them and care for them. They don't believe in true friendship, and love. Just because they have not discover it yet.

    They think everyone in this whole world sucks. Of course, excludes him/ her.

    FYI, the things that u cannot see do not mean that they don't exist.

    Some would back stab you, or fabricate rumors in order to smear your reputation. For good.
    Or maybe that particular person would die to kick you out of his/ her life. (and you were previously involved in his/ her life)
    I've been through that and I can tell, I thank those. Well, life experiences mah.
    Hate me love me, that's life.

    I mean I'm not all perfect but I AM trying my best to be a better me.

    OK actually the only thing that I wanna bring out is...
    to someone special who might be needing some comfort, you know you're great. And you know I love you :)

    (sorry for all those crapping dears, everyone needs some confession time ya know)

    Sticks and stones will hurt my bones, but the words will never will.

    God bless your day

  4. Narh...

    June 17, 2010

    Drew a picture using Paint
    inspired by shen. x)

    Aiya, the pic is too small.

    (I drew it without using a mouse one you know!!!)

  5. Here I found a funny (at least that's what I think) article about ahem, identifying whether you're a werewolf.

    I know! Stupid right? Like there's really someone who's gonna doubt themselves as werewolves and check out my blog for informations. (I even doubt the existence of werewolves)

    If you dunno what exactly a werewolf is,
    It shall look something like this.

    Well its just basically wolf + man. Still don't get the idea? Check out Twilight serial movies and yea, the super hot-muscular-cute-macho-sweet-tan hunk, Jacob Black is somewhat like a werewolf.

    Anyway here goes,

    Top Sure Signs to Tell Whether Or Not You Are Really A Werewolf

    You have no trouble opening heavily taped parcels with your nails.

    You also have trouble learning to play the guitar due to your strings snapping for the same reason.

    You have a hatred of vegetarians except with tomato sauce.

    Instead of worrying about your hair turning grey you find it looks great in the moonlight.

    What other children call the Easter Bunny, you call a snack.

    You quite enjoy biting your own tongue.

    People allergic to dogs sneeze when you are near.

    If someone calls out 'Where?', you answer.

    During a full moon you need some 'personal space', preferably out in the woods.

    Your friends call you Hairy McClary and you don't own a motorcycle.

    You wake up naked in gardens and fields on a regular basis and it's not always alcohol induced.

    Or perhaps you wanna check out Shen's blog for fun facts about a much normal animal -- Mr Cockroach.

    Adapted from

  6. Woohoo!

    June 6, 2010

    To Shen,



    In love...

    With your NEW blogskin!!!!!

    so cute

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