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  1. Today I'm Sad

    September 6, 2011

    I can't take it anymore!!!!!!!!!

    Everything I do, it is just wrong for you. You don't know how hard it is!
    Try it yourself and you'll know how difficult it is!

    It have been a long time since I last shed tears for stuffs like this. Anything she did is much better than mine isn't it? ISN'T IT?????
    I knew it. Right from the start, I knew it.


    Even if we were doing the same thing...

    It sure surprised me when I discovered how fragile I actually am. I never thought your lectures could hurt me like this. I felt so embarrassed to find myself crying over this. It was just typical grandmother lecturing and comparing her granddaughters on their homework isn't it? No big deal.

    I now see... I never really successfully untie the knots. I never asked Jesus to heal this wound, I thought it is unnecessary.

    I could never hate you. I truly love and respect you from the bottom of my heart.

    Feel like I've been unconciously hurt by others a lot lately, but no, I have not given up. I never will.
    Sorry for the emo post that is totally useless and unrelated to anyone. I just need a space to cry myself out.

    but it seems like I can't stop my tears....

    Says it all.

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