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  1. VAVA

    October 16, 2009

    I bought a laptop like.. some time ago, and i'm going to introduce you guys to my brand new darling:



    *Vava in pink!

    *another view of it

    *without flash. Now you can see how metalic it is -- look at the reflection.


    * with macro mode. Isolated keyboard!!!

    * macro view

    *okay.. notice what will happen once i touch it.

    * It lighted up! {gorgeous!}

    * It even changes colours! {ARRRHHH!!!}

    * It even glows while playing music via music box

    * The light changes colour according to the genres of music | i.e: retro, acoustic..

    * guess what's this for?

    * that's how i control volume!!

    Friend X: Why are all your gadgets ( handphone, laptop) in pink?
    Yijun: Accident..
    Friend X: Do you really have to buy a pink one?
    Yijun: I wanted a beige colour one, but this is cheaper..
    Friend X: Your sis bought one too right?
    Yijun: Yeah, so?
    Friend X: It's white!! Oh my gosh! it's much more nicer than the pink one!
    Yijun: ...

    (os: yea white is nicer so what?! dont make me punch your nose off..)

    VAVA in white

    Yea i love my pink Vava and i am not going to regret. So, out of my sight! PINK HATERS!!!

    btw, Vava sounds lame right? thats the point.. hehe

    (VAIO = visual audio intelligent organizer, in case you think im too dumb to know that)

  2. 1 comment(s):

    1. Sing said...

      Whoa ! It is a gorgeous light. Great ! I wanna steal it for myself. :-p

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