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  1. Cameron Highlands Trip

    January 6, 2010

    I'd been disappearing for almost the whole holidays (for my schoolmates) But I never stopped joining church's activities!!

    It'd truly been a memorable trip *ha - chew!* in.. *ha-chew!" Cameron Highlands. *HA-HA-CHEW!!!!*

    (It was freezing there!)

    Anyway, we had fun in the camp :)
    Here's some photos

    Group shot before leaving KL

    Group shot, Freestyle

    Acting supermen!!

    Its Wen Yan. Hahah, I think this is lovely

    Strawberry Yogurt!! Yum...

    There will be more pictures soon. :)

    Feel like sharing some of the funny stories in camp.

    But I couldn't recall any of it. Will post it if I can.

    Pictures and more stories coming soon.
    Promised *finger crossed*

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