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  1. Get A Life!!

    May 31, 2010

    there's tons of things to do in this wide, wide world.
    There's people starving, suffering from extreme poverty, disabled, surviving under gunfire,
    etc, etc.

    And here you are, think that you are so freaking kesian, healing your wounds (like it is really wounds for those people mentioned on top) making a big hoo-hah out of it.

    Yea I might not truly understand your feelings, I just don't think these tiny little things worth to bug you all the time and make ya think you're gonna drown in the spiral of desperado forever!

    Sorry if I'm a little mean here, but I really do hope this entry will act as a reminder for you
    -- theres much more meaningful things for us to handle on earth, so don't just sink in your narrow little world.


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