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  1. I'm getting tired with it.

    I've tried to live out the best, to prove my status.
    And I know sometimes I bossed a lot to correct the situation,

    and you definitely loathe it.
    But trust me, its for your own good.

    I tried hard to entertain you, to correct you with a better way that you can accept
    But you let me down,
    again and again.

    Ya just gonna repeat everything huh?

    K let it be then.
    Keep ignoring me and go on with your perfect life.


    What was I talking about?
    I know I'll never let you rot on like this....

    But I'm tired.
    What to do?

    Load myself up with fuel and keep roaring my engine I guess.

    May God bless you with His amazing grace.
    And you too.

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